Thursday, April 5, 2012

blog love

There were 3 main reasons why I began to blog.  1. I love cupcakes & feel great when I share what I made.  2. I read Julie & Julia and was inspired.  3. A friend of mine recommended to me and I fell in love. 

Well, upon returning from my latest Disney trip (Feb 26-March 2), I began a Disney blog called Oh Boy, Mickey!  I've been posting photos, tips and observations and I'm just having so much fun with it!  I'm expecting a double-blog post in the not-too-distant future featuring Disney-inspired cupcakes...

Well I decided to catch up on my favorite blog today and found out that Bakerella went to Disney World for a food blogger expo!  What are the odds?!  I got so excited and just wanted to share it with you.  You should definitely check her site out and do so regularly.  Here's the post that combined two of my favorite things: Bakerella and Disney!